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Globalization and energy transition:A perspective from Europe(全球化与能源转型:基于欧洲视角)
发布时间: 2024-11-15

主题:Globalization and energy transitionA perspective from Europe  


主讲人:马丁路德大学哈勒-维滕贝格大学 Ulrich Blum教授

主持人:四海资讯全讯新2 李涵院长



主办单位:四海资讯全讯新2 国际交流与合作处 科研处


Dr. Ulrich Blum is professor emeritus of political economy at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in Halle and co-founder and co-CEO of the Institute for Technologies and Economics of Lithium (ITEL) - Deutsches Lithiuminstitut Ltd. He graduated as industrial engineer from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology where he also earned his PhD. He holds a honorary PhD from Technical University of Dresden. He is the author and editor of numerous publications on institutional and competition theory. He recently has published a book on economic warfare. He is Vice Chairman of the Ludwig-Erhard-Foundation and was a lieutenant colonel in reserve in the German Armed Forces. He is a regular guest author and interview partner for domestic and foreign media.

Ulrich Blum博士是马丁路德大学哈勒-维滕贝格大学(Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)的政治经济学名誉教授,同时也是德国锂技术与经济研究所(ITEL)的联合创始人兼联合首席执行官。他毕业于卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology),获得工业工程学位,并在该校获得博士学位,他还荣获了德累斯顿工业大学(Technical University of Dresden)的名誉博士学位。Ulrich Blum博士是多部关于制度与竞争理论的著作和编辑,最近还出版了一本关于经济战争的书籍。他还担任路德维希·艾哈德基金会(Ludwig-Erhard-Foundation)副主席,曾是德国联邦国防军的预备役中校。Ulrich Blum博士还是多家媒体的常驻特约作者和访谈嘉宾。


Based on an European perspective, the lecture discusses the impact of global uncertainty on energy supply, the initial differences between the current energy transition and the European energy transition. It also looks ahead to the role of innovation and China-Europe cooperation in addressing the challenges of the global energy transition.
