主题:Multinationals’ Environmental Performance: Evidence from Carbon Emission Reduction 跨国公司的环境绩效:来自碳减排的证据
主讲人:香港科技大学商学院 李家涛教授
主持人:四海资讯全讯新2院长 李涵教授
主办单位:四海资讯全讯新2 科研处
李家涛,战略管理和国际商务方向资深专家,美国德克萨斯大学战略与国际管理博士,现任香港科技大学商学院利国伟商学讲席教授,管理学系讲座教授。2018年入选美国国际商务学会(Academy of International Business,缩写为AIB)院士;美国国际商务学会(AIB)副主席(2016-2019);美国国际商务学会(AIB)2018年会主席。已发表UTD24期刊论文44篇,期刊包括Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal等管理学顶级学术期刊。任Journal of International Business Studies期刊副主编,Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal,Journal of Management等期刊编委会委员。
Multinational enterprises often exhibit different environmental, social, and governance performances in the regions where they operate. We investigate how multinationals evaluation of issue salience affects their regional environmental performance, specifically focusing on the disparity in carbon emission reduction between home and host countries. The results reveal a robust pattern that MNEs are more likely to reduce carbon emissions in their home countries than in host countries.