Refereed Publications
Journal Article
[1]Journal of Business Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2059-1;Linking Market Orientation and Environmental Performance: The Influence of Environmental Strategy, Employee’s Environmental Involvement, and Environmental Product Quality;Yang Chen, Guiyao Tang, Jiafei Jin, Ji Li, and Pascal Paille;2014
[2]Journal of Product Innovation Management, in press;CEOs’ Transformational Leadership and Product Innovation Performance: The Roles of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Technology Orientation;Yang Chen, Guiyao Tang, Jiafei Jin, Qinghong Xie, and Ji Li;2014
[3]Economic Perspectives, 6, 68-72;A New Study on Slotting fees in Retail Business and Government Regulation;Qinghong Xie, Chi Zhang,Xiaorong Fu,Yang Chen,Yongqiang Li;2013
[4]Accepted, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management;CEO Empowered Leaders and Entreprenuership in Dynamic Context;Guiyao Tang, Pengchen Li, Yang Chen;2013
[5]Asian Pacific Journal of Human Resources, DOI: 10.1111/1744-7941.12025;Digging Deeper in China: How Employees’ Feelings About Work Affect Turnover Intention;Jiafei Jin, Chih-Chieh Chen, Patricia Fosh, Yang Chen;2013
[6]Journal of Business Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-013-1732-0;Does Human Resource Management Really Matters to Environmental Performance? A Test From Employee Level;Pascal Paille, Yang Chen, Olivier Boiral, and Jiafei Jin;2013
[7]European Journal of Information Systems, DOI: 10.1057/ejis.2013.4;IT capability and Organizational Performance: The Roles of Business Process Agility and Environmental Factors;Yang Chen, Yi Wang, Saggi Nevo, Jiafei Jin, Luning Wang, Wing Sing Chow;2013
[8]International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(18), 3552-3575;Linking Environmental Management Practices and Organizational Citizenship Behavior for the Environment: A Social Exchange Perspective;Pascal Paille, Olivier Boiral, and Yang Chen;2013
[9]Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 33, Article 9;IT Capabilities and Innovation Performance: The Mediating Role of Market Orientation;Yi Wang, Yang Chen, Saggi Nevo, Jiafei Jin, Guiyao Tang, and Wing Sing Chow;2013
[10]Human Resource Management, 52(4), 585-606;A Social Network Perspective on Relationship Management in the Human Resource Outsourcing Network: Examining the Moderating Impact of HR Task Interdependence;Ming. Yan, A.M. Francesco, Haina. Zhang, and Yang Chen;2013
[11]International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(18), 3838-3855;Firms’ Human Resource in Information System and Sustainable Performance: Does Their Organizational Identity Matter?;Ji Li, Guiyao. Tang, and Yang Chen;2012
[12]Journal of Business Ethics, 105(4), 519-533;Corporate Sustainable Development: Testing a New Scale Based on the Mainland Chinese Context;Wing Sing Chow and Yang Chen;2011
[13]Journal of Computer Information Systems, pp.136-141;Intended Belief and Actual Behavior in Green Computing in Hong Kong;Wing Sing Chow and Yang Chen;2009
[14]Economic Management, 11, 61-68;The Influence of the Enterprise Environmental Ethics on the Sustainable Development Performance: The Cause and Consequences of the Initiative Environmental Management;Jun Huang, Yang Chen, Haosen Zhai;2011
Meetings/seminars papers
[15] 21st Eur OMA Conference: Operations Management in an Innovation Economy, "The Evolution of the Impact of E-business Technology on Operational Competence and Profitability in the Economic Downturns";2014/06
[16] Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Does IT matter for Environmental Performance? An Empirical Study Based on the Chinese context";2013/08
[17] IABE-2011, “Human Resources in IT and Firm Performance in Sustainable Development: The Perspective of Organizational Identity Orientation”;2011/06
[18] 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (IEEE ICIME 2011), Human Resources in IT and Firm Performance in Sustainable Development: The Perspective of Organizational Identity Orientation”;2011/05
[19] 13th International Business Research Conference Theme: Research for Change, “Impact of IT Applications on Corporate Sustainable Development and Performance: The Role of Firm Size and Industry Type”;2010/11
[20] 3rd World Business Ethics Forum Theme: ACE - Accountability, Credibility, & Ethicality, “The Role of Firm-specific Resources in the Relationship Between Corporate Sustainable Development and Organizational Performance: Evidence from China”;2010/10
Research Projects
[20] 2011/12 - 2013/12;The Impact of Information Technology Ability to Proactive Environmental Management and Sustainable Development Performance: Based on an Empirical Analysis of the Emerging Markets;
[21] 2012/12 - 2013/12;Business Value of Information Technology in the Context of Green Economy - An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Manufacturing Industry
[22] 2012/12 - 2013/12;Corporate Sustainable Development and Organizational Performance: The Moderating Role of Firm Resources
Academic Book Authored
[23] 2011/11;World Science;Corporate Sustainable Development: A Review and Model Development;Chow Wing Sing and Yang Chen;Chow Wing Sing